App integration

Our apps for iOS and Android supports deep linking to select parts of the app. This way, you may open the city bike app directly from your own app.


URI Schema
bikemi://stationsOpens the map view
bikemi://stations/{station-id}Opens the map view with the station matching the station-id selected
bikemi://tripsOpens the trip history view
bikemi://profileOpens the profile view
bikemi://vehicle?code={code}Opens a vehicle for quick unlock

Testing deep links from the command line on Android:

adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d bikemi://trips

Testing deep links from your app code as an implicit intent on Android:

Intent tripsIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("bikemi://trips"));


URI Schema
bikemi://stationsOpens the map view
bikemi://stations/{station-id}Opens the map view with the station matching the station-id selected
bikemi://tripsOpens the trip history view
bikemi://profileOpens the profile view
bikemi://vehicle?code={code}Opens a vehicle for quick unlock

Universal/App Links

The deep links documented here are also supported as universal links. To use universal links, replace the deeplink prefix
with the universal link prefix instead:
For example, opening trips via universal link would be: